<--- %%NOBANNER%% --> jitplot.sas

/*------------------<--- Start of Description -->--------------------\
| Produce Gplot of continuous var(y-axis) vs a group var(x-axis) in  |
| such a way that no points are hidden. Two types of plots may be    |
| requested as shown below:                                          |
|           Left Justifed              Centered                      |
|     |      .       .            |    .       .                     |
|     |      ..      .            |   . .      .                     |
| y   |      ...     ....      y  |   ...    .. ..                   |
|     |      .       ..           |    .      . .                    |
|     |      .       .            |    .       .                     |
|     |                           |                                  |
|     |------|-------|-------     |----|-------|-----                |
|          level 1  level 2         level 1   level 2                |
|              Group                    Group                        |
| This type of plot is most effective when N is not large and        |
| you wish to display all of the data points.                        |
|--------------------<--- End of Description -->---------------------|
|--------------<--- Start of Files or Arguments Needed -->-----------|
| Parameter definitions:                                             |
|    Note: If the macro variable values contain special characters,  |
|          e.g. ";)(,=" , you must use the %str(value) function to   |
|          avoid processing errors.                                  |
|   - Required parameters:                                           |
|     data=name of input sas data set                                |
|     y=variable name for y-var                                      |
|     group=variable name for group-var(x). Macro assumes the group  |
|           var has a maximum of 9 levels.                           |
|     x00,                                                           |
|     x10,...,                                                       |
|     x90=group-var levels to be plotted at positions 00-90 on       |
|         the x-axis, which is defined as numeric running from 0-100.|
|         Do not use position x00 with a centered plot(see below).   |
|         You need define only the positions that will be needed     |
|         for your plot.  For example, if the group-var was named    |
|         "grade" with 3-levels such as "normal,mild", "mod" and     |
|         "severe" then specifying:                                  |
|             x20=%str(normal,mild)                                  |
|             x50=mod,                                               |
|             x80=severe,                                            |
|         with group=grade would yield a well balanced plot.         |
|   - Optional:                                                      |
|     justify= l for left-justifed plot(the default), c for centered.|
|     space=horizontal distance between points with the same y-value.|
|           The default value is 1, which allows up to 10 tied points|
|           to be displayed if groups were plotted at x=10,20, etc.  |
|           Values from 0.5 to 2.0 seem to produce reasonable        |
|           results.                                                 |
|     sym=plotting symbol to use in the SYMBOL statement. Choices    |
|           are listed in Table 16.1 of the SAS/Graph(V6) manual     |
|           (Vol. 1, p.421).  Default is the dot symbol.             |
|     ht=plot symbol height to use in the SYMBOL statement. Choices  |
|           are listed on page 410 of the SAS/Graph(V6) manual.      |
|           Default value is .1cm.                                   |
|     yaxis=vaxis, vref and vminor options from PROC GPLOT.  These   |
|           options will almost always have to be specified using the|
|           %str(value) function.  For example:                      |
|              yaxis=%str(vaxis=10 to 20 by 1 vref=15 vminor=1).     |
|           Do NOT change the haxis settings.                        |
|    glabel=label for group-var. Note that any existing label for the|
|           group-var is not available to jitplot.                   |
|    mn_md=M if you want the median y-value noted on the plot.  Use  |
|           mn_md=X if you want the mean y-value and mn_md=B if you  |
|           want both the mean and the median.  Default is not to    |
|           print either statistic.                                  |
|    outdata= name of output dataset containing jittered values      |
|---------------<--- End of Files or Arguments Needed -->------------|
|----------------<--- Start of Example and Usage -->-----------------|
| Example:                                                           |
|   data one;                                                        |
|      y=2; x='';x2=.; output; output;output;                        |
|      y=4;x='b';x2=2; output; output; output;                       |
|      y=1; x='a';x2=1; output; output; output;                      |
|   proc print;                                                      |
|   proc freq; tables x/out=ch ;                                     |
|   proc contents data=ch;                                           |
|   proc print;                                                      |
|   run;                                                             |
|   %jitplot(data=one,y=y,x40=a,x60=b,group=x,mn_md=x,outdata=xxx);  |
| Usage: %jitplot(data=, y=, group=, x00=, x10=, x20=, x30=,         |
|                x40=, x50=, x60=, x70=, x80=, x90=,justify=l,       |
|                space=1, sym=dot, ht=.1cm, yaxis=, glabel=,         |
|                mn_md=n,outdata=);                                  |
\-------------------<--- End of Example and Usage -->---------------*/
%macro jitplot(data=, y=, group=, x00=, x10=, x20=, x30=, x40=, x50=, 
               x60=, x70=, x80=, x90=, justify=l, space=1, sym=dot, 
               ht=.1cm, yaxis=, glabel=, mn_md=n,outdata=);
| Author:   E. Bergstralh;                    |
| Created:  February 9, 1993;                 |
| Modified: April 20, 1995;                   | 
| Purpose:  Produce Gplot of continuous       |
|           var(y-axis) vs a group var(x-axis)|
|           in such a way that no points are  |
|           hidden;                           |
data _wk; set &data;
 keep &group &y;
proc freq data=_wk; tables &group*&y/noprint out=_p1;
proc sort data=_wk; by &group;
proc univariate data=_wk noprint; by &group; var &y;
  output out=_mnmd   mean=mn median=md;

data _p2; set _p1 _mnmd; by &group;
  **convert group var levels to numeric 00=>90;
 if &group="" then delete; **delete "missing" group levels;
 if &group="&x00"  then gp= 0;
 if &group="&x10"  then gp=10;
 if &group="&x20"  then gp=20;
 if &group="&x30"  then gp=30;
 if &group="&x40"  then gp=40;
 if &group="&x50"  then gp=50;
 if &group="&x60"  then gp=60;
 if &group="&x70"  then gp=70;
 if &group="&x80"  then gp=80;
 if &group="&x90"  then gp=90;
 if gp=. then delete;      **delete unspecifed group levels;
 *** figure out xvariables;
 gp2=gp; **x-var for left justifed plot;
 gp3=gp; **x-var for centered plot;
 if count ne . then do;
  do i=1 to count;
   gp2=gp+( (i-1)*&space);
 else do;
  gp2=gp-2*&space; gp3=gp-4*&space; output;
 %if &outdata^= %then %do;
    data &outdata; set _p2;
proc format; value gpf 0="&x00 "  10="&x10 "   20="&x20 "   30="&x30 "
                      40="&x40 "  50="&x50 "   60="&x60 "   70="&x70 "
                      80="&x80 "  90="&x90 "   other=" ";

 symbol v=&sym h=&ht i=none;
 symbol2 v=x    i=none;  **mean;
 symbol3 v=plus i=none; **median;

  %if %upcase(&justify)= C %then %do;  **centered plot;
proc gplot gout=jit;
  plot &y*gp3=1

    %if %upcase(&mn_md)= X or %upcase(&mn_md)= B %then %do;
    %if %upcase(&mn_md)= M or %upcase(&mn_md)= B %then %do;

  %if %upcase(&justify)= L %then %do;  **left justified plot;
proc gplot gout=jit;
  plot &y*gp2=1

  %if %upcase(&mn_md)= X or %upcase(&mn_md)= B %then %do;
  %if %upcase(&mn_md)= M or %upcase(&mn_md)= B %then %do;

  / overlay haxis=0 to 100 by 10 hminor=0 &yaxis ;

   %if %upcase(&mn_md)= M %then %do;
    footnote .j=l .h=1 'Note: + = median';
   %if %upcase(&mn_md)= X %then %do;
    footnote .j=l .h=1 'Note: X = mean ';
   %if %upcase(&mn_md)= B %then %do;
    footnote .j=l .h=1 'Note: X = mean,  + = median';

%if &glabel ^= %then %Do;
 label gp2="&glabel" gp3="&glabel";
%else %do;
 label gp2="&group" gp3="&group";

format gp2 gp3 gpf.;
run; quit;
goptions reset=symbol;
options _last_=&data ;
proc datasets nolist; delete _wk _p1 _p2 _mnmd;
footnote; run; quit;
%mend jitplot;